Junior Sport Stars
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Lunchtime Activity Leaders

Expert providers of lunchtime activities & sports

Lunchtime activity leaders

A well-structured lunchtime is a great way to burn off excess energy in a positive way, and can have a positive influence on learning in the afternoon. We aim to introduce the following during lunchtimes, when feasible:

Range of sports/activities

We would create a playground plan and section the playground into zones with rotas for each zone, so that each class/year group has something different / a variety to do each day, and all of the children are active and engaged. There will also be specific ‘girls only’ zones.

Leadership programme & playleaders

We provide weekly training sessions with year 5/6 children who have volunteered as ‘playleaders’. These children lead games and activities, predominantly with key stage 1 or lower key stage 2 children, but also with their peers. They will be taught games and activities to lead, as well as how to officiate different sports.

School team training, competition training, & lunch club

We work closely with several schools, using lunchtimes to target certain year groups for extra training, either for upcoming inter-school competitions, or simply as a ‘club’. Some of our partner schools use lunchtime to help achieve their ’30 minutes of physical activity’ daily target.

Intra-school competitions

Our coaches, alongside the ‘playleaders’, organise ‘intra-competition weeks’ throughout the academic year, with most year groups and in several sports. This is a great way of making lunchtimes a bit different and encourages competition, sporting conduct/integrity, and fair play.

Fitness challenges & daily mile

Lunchtime is a great way to get the children more active through fitness challenges, and to inspire them to take ownership of their own fitness, health, and wellbeing. The playleaders/sports ambassadors will deliver this, overseen by the coach.

Junior Sport Stars

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